Aggressive Advocacy. Compassionate Counsel.
Indianapolis criminal defense lawyers

Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorney

Why Choose Our Criminal Defense Lawyers in Indianapolis?

Were you hit with criminal charges that you never expected? Have you been accused of a serious crime, but you think the state has its information completely wrong about what happened? Don’t assume that you’ll get through this tough situation because you should be innocent until proven guilty. Whether you were involved in a DUI or theft crimes in Indianapolis, assume that the prosecution is going to throw every charge at you that it can—and take steps now to defend yourself.

Come to The Criminal Defense Team for representation from effective and experienced Indianapolis criminal defense lawyers. We have the know-how and resources required to take on the most challenging criminal defense cases. Don’t let the state dictate how your case will go, stand up for yourself with our help.

From Our Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorneys:

Get your defense moving with our Indianapolis criminal defense lawyers. Call (317) 687-8326 now.

Board-certified Criminal Lawyers

You can’t take risks when it comes to defending your future from a criminal conviction. When you want to make sure that your criminal defense case is in the right hands, come to The Criminal Defense Team in Indianapolis.

We have 4 Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialists at our firm. In the entire state of Indiana, there are only 5 such specialists. Earning Board Certification requires a criminal defense attorney to prove their understanding of the law and all the proceedings around it through a rigorous test that many legal professionals attempt but do not pass. You know that you can trust your Indianapolis criminal defense case to us for many reasons, including the prestigious Board Certifications of five of our attorneys.

Always Protecting Your Rights

A criminal offense refers to a violation of the law that is punishable by the government. Criminal offenses can range from minor infractions, such as traffic violations, to serious felonies, such as murder. The severity of the offense typically determines the level of punishment a person may face, which can include fines, probation, imprisonment, or other penalties.

There are so many criminal charges on Indiana’s books. You don’t have to exhaust yourself searching for a criminal defense law firm that can handle your case, no matter how nuanced or unusual your charges might be. The Criminal Defense Team is equipped to handle virtually any criminal charge, including felonies and federal crimes.

Different types of cases that we can handle include but aren’t limited to:

  • Arson: The intentional act of setting fire to property.
  • Battery: Causing intentional bodily harm or unwanted physical contact with another person.
  • Burglary: Illegally entering a building with the intent to commit a crime, typically theft.
  • Criminal Trespassing: Unauthorized entry onto another person’s property.
  • Domestic violence: Acts of violence or abuse within a domestic setting, such as between spouses or family members.
  • Drug crimes (drug possession & drug trafficking): Offenses related to the illegal possession, distribution, or trafficking of controlled substances.
  • DUI / OWI: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Federal crimes: Violations of federal laws, which may include offenses such as tax evasion, mail fraud, or drug trafficking across state lines.
  • Gun charges: Offenses related to the illegal possession, use, or trafficking of firearms.
  • Homicide and manslaughter: Unlawful killing of another person. Manslaughter may involve killing without malice aforethought, while homicide encompasses intentional and unintentional killings.
  • Murder: The intentional killing of another person with malice aforethought.
  • Robbery: The use of force or threat to steal from another person.
  • Sex crimes: Offenses involving sexual misconduct, such as rape, sexual assault, or child molestation.
  • White collar crimes: Non-violent crimes typically committed by individuals or businesses in positions of trust or authority, such as embezzlement, fraud, or insider trading.

What Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Do?

A criminal defense lawyer serves a critical role in the criminal justice system. They represent defendants who have been accused of criminal proceedings and work to secure an optimal outcome for their clients. An experienced criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis, IN will:

  • Analyze the criminal charges faced by the defendant
  • Evaluate any relevant evidence or witnesses
  • Devise a strategy to best dispute criminal charges
  • Achieve an appropriate resolution
  • Provide support and advice throughout the criminal proceedings
  • Negotiate plea bargains when necessary
  • Assist with appeal processes if a conviction is rendered by a court

An Indianapolis criminal defense attorney’s expertise in this field of law can make all the difference in their client’s case.

How to Find a Good Criminal Defense Attorney

Finding the right Indianapolis criminal defense attorney can be a daunting task. It’s important to work with someone who has experience challenging prosecutors and advocating successfully for clients. You want to look for a criminal defense lawyer with a good track record, references, and good standing within the legal community and bar associations. Take your time with research, as this type of decision should not be taken lightly. Be sure to check out their website and reviews, read interviews with them in publications, ask other attorneys for their opinion, and meet at least three lawyers before selecting one to represent your case. Make sure to ask questions during your consultations, such as:

  • How much experience do you have in handling cases similar to mine?
  • What is your success rate in defending clients against similar charges?
  • What is your fee structure, and do you offer payment plans?
  • Will you be handling my case personally, or will it be assigned to another attorney in your firm?
  • Can you provide references from past clients?
  • How do you plan to approach my case?

Pay attention to how well the attorney communicates with you during the consultation. They should be attentive, responsive, and able to explain complex legal concepts in a way you understand.

A good criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis will make sure that all evidence is carefully examined and available options are explored in order to provide you with the best possible outcome so it is important to find one who fits your needs and budget.

Benefits of Having a Criminal Defense Attorney

Having the right criminal defense attorney by your side is invaluable in any case of criminal charges. A qualified, experienced Indianapolis criminal defense attorney can provide benefits that few other professionals are capable of. Not only will a good criminal defense lawyer help you through all the legal complications associated with criminal proceedings, they can also protect your best interests while ensuring you understand every step of the process. Your criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis will act as an advocate in all legal matters, negotiating on your behalf and presenting information to persuade a judge or jury in favor of acquittal. The benefits of having an experienced attorney to defend against criminal charges cannot be overstated – it’s essential for those facing potential incarceration or hefty fines.

Basic Elements Of A Criminal Defense Strategy

Every criminal defense case is unique, so the criminal defense strategy used for your case must be unique, too. The Criminal Defense Team always takes a deliberate approach when making a defense strategy for each client because we know cutting corners does no good. By the time we are finished, the prosecution will be caught off-guard and off-balance.

Most criminal defense strategies, no matter how unique, will need to include these basic elements:

  • Evidence: Concrete evidence is often the foundation of the best criminal defense cases. The state will have a hard time proving anything against you if there is tangible proof that says otherwise.
  • Arguments: The best piece of evidence can only do so much on its own. It really becomes useful when backed by clear arguments that prove its significance to the case.
  • Counterpoints: The prosecution will be working against you at every step, so, of course, you need to work against them. An essential element of any criminal defense strategy is the use of counterpoints to prove not just that your argument is true, but also that the state’s argument is false.

Defense Before You Are Charged

It is important to understand that you don’t have to wait until you are in handcuffs to defend yourself from criminal penalties. You can call on The Criminal Defense Team the moment you think you are being targeted by a criminal investigation. Pre-charge and pre-trial defense strategies can make a huge difference if an arrest does follow. In the best-case scenario, though, we can dissuade the state from taking any action against you, so your criminal record doesn’t even show that you were arrested.

Start Working on a Defense – Call Our Indianapolis Criminal Attorneys Now

Waiting too long to start a criminal defense strategy can be a big mistake because you know the state has already started on its case against you. Please call (317) 687-8326 now to speak with the Indianapolis criminal defense lawyers of The Criminal Defense Team. We combine aggressive tactics, compassionate counsel, and Board-Certified* expertise to create powerful defenses against virtually any criminal charges.

Contact us online if you want to arrange a consultation with the Indianapolis criminal defense attorneys at The Criminal Defense Team.

Criminal Defense FAQ

What are the differences between infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies?

An infraction is a criminal violation that doesn’t result in a conviction and can’t sentence you to jail time. However, a misdemeanor can penalize you with up to 1 year in jail and up to $5,000 in fines.

Misdemeanor penalties in Indiana are typically categorized into the following three classes:

  • Class A Misdemeanor:
    • Maximum sentence: Up to 365 days in jail
    • Maximum fine: Up to $5,000
  • Class B Misdemeanor:
    • Maximum sentence: Up to 180 days in jail
    • Maximum fine: Up to $1,000
  • Class C Misdemeanor:
    • Maximum sentence: Up to 60 days in jail
    • Maximum fine: Up to $500

On the other hand, a felony can penalize you with more than 1 year in jail and significant fines.

Here is a general breakdown of felony classes and associated penalties:

  • Level 1 Felony:
    • Sentence: A fixed term of between 20 and 40 years, with an advisory sentence of 30 years
    • Fine: Up to $10,000
  • Level 2 Felony:
    • Sentence: A fixed term of between 10 and 30 years, with an advisory sentence of 17.5 years
    • Fine: Up to $10,000
  • Level 3 Felony:
    • Sentence: A fixed term of between 3 and 16 years, with an advisory sentence of 9 years
    • Fine: Up to $10,000
  • Level 4 Felony:
    • Sentence: A fixed term of between 2 and 12 years, with an advisory sentence of 6 years
    • Fine: Up to $10,000
  • Level 5 Felony:
    • Sentence: A fixed term of between 1 and 6 years, with an advisory sentence of 3 years
    • Fine: Up to $10,000
  • Level 6 Felony:
    • Sentence: A fixed term of between 6 months and 2.5 years, with an advisory sentence of 1 year
    • Fine: Up to $10,000

What are the differences between arrested, charged, and convicted?

A person is arrested when a law officer detains them and brings them to jail for sentencing; being placed in handcuffs is not the same as being arrested. A person is charged when criminal charges are filed against them, which means the government has officially accused them of a criminal violation. A person is convicted if the state tries those charges, and the person is found guilty or pleads guilty.

Will I go to jail if I am convicted?

Not all criminal sentencing requirements include jail or prison time. You can be convicted and only need to pay a fine, complete community service, or adhere to other requirements. Many misdemeanor sentences do not include jail time, especially for first-time offenders.

Additionally, probation in Indiana is a legal status that allows individuals convicted of certain crimes to serve their sentences in the community under the supervision of a probation officer instead of being incarcerated. The court may impose probation as part of the sentence or as an alternative to imprisonment. The goal of probation is to provide rehabilitation, monitor the individual’s behavior, and protect the community.

Here are key aspects of probation in Indiana:

  • Supervision: Individuals on probation are required to report to a probation officer regularly. The probation officer monitors their compliance with court-ordered conditions and provides guidance and support.
  • Conditions: The court may impose specific conditions that individuals on probation must follow. These conditions can include, but are not limited to, abstaining from drug or alcohol use, attending counseling or treatment programs, maintaining employment, completing community service, and avoiding contact with certain individuals.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Probationers typically have scheduled meetings with their probation officers to discuss their progress, address any concerns, and ensure compliance with the court-ordered conditions.
  • Drug and Alcohol Testing: Some individuals on probation may be subject to random drug and alcohol testing to ensure compliance with substance abuse-related conditions.
  • Probation Period: The length of probation varies depending on the offense and the court’s decision. Probation may last for a specific number of months or years.
  • Violation Consequences: Violating the terms of probation can lead to various consequences, including additional conditions, extension of probation, or even revocation of probation, which may result in imprisonment.

It’s important to note that probation is not available for all offenses, and certain serious crimes may not be eligible for probation. The decision to grant probation is at the discretion of the court, and it takes into consideration factors such as the nature of the offense, the individual’s criminal history, and the likelihood of successful rehabilitation.

If I am convicted, can I appeal?

Yes, you can appeal a conviction if you believe that legal errors or mistakes were made during your trial, such as improper jury instructions, insufficient evidence, or misconduct by the prosecutor or judge. An appeal is a legal process that allows you to challenge the outcome of your trial and seek a review by a higher court. It’s recommended that you consult with an experienced Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer to determine whether you have grounds for an appeal, as appeals can be complex and require specialized legal knowledge.

How much does a criminal defense attorney cost?

The cost of an Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer can vary depending on various factors, including the complexity of your case and the attorney’s experience and reputation. Some attorneys charge an hourly rate, while others may charge a flat fee or require a retainer. It’s essential to discuss the fees with your Indianapolis criminal defense attorney upfront to understand the cost and payment structure. Some attorneys may offer payment plans or accept credit cards, while others may require payment upfront. Ultimately, the cost of an Indianapolis criminal defense attorney is a worthwhile investment in protecting your rights and freedom.

What should I do if I am arrested or charged with a crime?

If you are arrested or charged with a crime, here are some key actions you should consider:

  1. Remain calm: It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, but staying calm can help you think clearly and make better decisions.
  2. Invoke your right to remain silent: You have the right to remain silent and not incriminate yourself. Politely inform the arresting officer that you wish to exercise your right to remain silent until you have legal representation.
  3. Request an attorney: It’s crucial to have legal representation during any interactions with law enforcement. Ask for a lawyer immediately, and refrain from answering any questions without your attorney present.
  4. Avoid making any statements: Refrain from discussing the details of your case, providing explanations, or making any statements without the guidance of your attorney. Anything you say can be used against you in court.
  5. Document the details: If possible, make mental notes or write down any relevant details about the arrest, including the officers involved, the circumstances, and any witnesses present. This information may be valuable for your defense later.
  6. Contact a criminal defense attorney: Reach out to an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. They will guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and work to build a strong defense strategy on your behalf.
  7. Follow your attorney’s advice: Your criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis will provide you with the best guidance based on your specific circumstances. Cooperate with their instructions and provide them with any requested information to help in your defense.