Bill Cosby Charged With Felony Sexual Assault

Of the many criminal cases which gripped the headlines in 2015, perhaps none were as high profile as the numerous sexual assault allegations made against Bill Cosby. The comedian and former TV star have been officially charged with felony sexual assault, related to an incident that allegedly occurred in 2004. The charges were announced just a few days before the statute of limitations would have expired.

Widespread Accusations

The media firestorm regarding Cosby can, in part, be traced back to comedian Hannibal Buress. In 2014, Buress performed a bit about the numerous rape allegations against Cosby; a video recording of the performance quickly went viral. As the media ran with the story, numerous women began to come forward with their own allegations of rape and sexual assault.

However, many of these alleged incidents occurred outside of the statute of limitations, preventing officials from charging Cosby with a crime. Additionally, many victims have reportedly been unwilling to testify, in part due to the high-profile nature of the case. The victim in this case, however, has stated that she is willing to give testimony and cooperate with the prosecution.

Could This Be The End for Cosby?

As with any other criminal trial, Cosby is presumed innocent until the prosecution can prove otherwise. He likely faces an uphill battle, however, due to the widespread media coverage and numerous other allegations. The decision to charge Cosby now could be a desperate move by the prosecution, who may have been pressured by the short timeline. On the other hand, it could also indicate that prosecutors feel they have a strong case against the entertainer. We will soon learn more about the case against him, as the media will undoubtedly cover the trial to come.